
The Triangle is a blog of words, drawings, and pictures that depicts the life of a high school student and her past. Each week there is a new post or two, so keep coming back for more!


  1. wow zero people who care... you should really change that so it doesnt make your blog sound bad. its not bad, but i am the first person in the whole wide world to care about this...?

  2. YAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA OMG I CANT BELEIVE I JUST TALKED TO AMELIA RICE!!!!!! OMG YAYAYAYAY OMYGOD! omg ur like a celeb where i live now... we all read your FANTASTIC BLOG! ...and I just talked to you? omg this is amazing i've never talked to a celeb b4!

  3. Haa! Wow. That's precious, Rainbowuni


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