Monday, March 14, 2011

The Smell

 First off: Please take the new poll(s). Look to the right. --->

Also: Please follow this blog and make me super famous so I can have a cute boyfriend. And maybe even husband later. 


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We recently had a school dance. Normally, these are very fun. However, the people who organize the dances felt we needed a new DJ. 

Bad decision.

The dances now suck. The new DJ doesn't play good music, and won't shut up!


Mental DJ: No. I'm going to continue to annoy you until you leave. Or go outside and eat ice like at the last dance.

Enough of that randomness:

~ ~ ~

We went anyway.

 The evening started out uneventful, filled with dancing and music.

We walked around, having a boring time, until we smelled it.

A stench worse than sweat streamed into our nostrils, driving everyone outside. The DJ shut off the music (YESSS!). Soon everyone was off the dance floor, running away from the suffocating smell.

Except us, of course, because Jennifer, CC, and I are crazy.

Anyway, we quickly realized the smell was not some dude passing gas, no, this was the work of a stink bomb. It suddenly became hilarious!

Some kid had the nerve to set off a stink bomb at our dance! We were so proud of him! 

Well, at least we thought it was a him... never mind.

People started coming back in the building, and the music started again (NOOO!).

As you might have expected, my friends and I thought that was the perfect time to leave.

Just in time, too. We saw Conner (who's a delinquent) being escorted off campus by our VP. Did he set off the stink bomb? We clapped for him. He had nerve, if it was him.

As it turns out, it wasn't Connor that set off the bomb. Some evil genius had put the stink bomb on the floor, hoping someone would step on it. That's so smart! He'd never get caught!

Unluckily for a random kid (let's call him/her Sam.) Poor, poor Sam. Sam picked up the stink bomb, curious about the strange thing lying on the floor.

Then it exploded on him/her.

Can you imagine some disgusting scent drenching you suddenly? Perhaps while your date is watching? Can you feel the humiliation and disgust that would wash over you?

Think about it...

The whole experience left us with one question ringing in our head:

Are we going to be searched at in the dances like in the airport?

We all know how annoying that is...
- Amelia


  1. Ok before I read the part about the airport searching I said to myself "Why is there a picture of a PLANE?" Then I thought "Why not a cat?"

  2. I can draw a cat. But this time I drew a plane.

    - Amelia

  3. lol love it.....cant wait for more!!!

  4. Wait where is the fourth person...nicole right...or is it rachel wait no theres five so where were the other two?

  5. Oh.....yeah how soon

  6. They died.

    And soon as in just wait and see!

    - Amelia

  7. Look to the LEFT ------>? lol, Amelia!

  8. Good job Lynsey! I'm surprised no one else noticed. You all failed the test. :)

    - Amelia

  9. Geez that was AWFUL! I hope the next dance is better.

  10. Hey, it's TMPK! I mean... TMPN :p


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