Saturday, March 19, 2011


This is one of the first posts I've composed; I completely forgot about it! I thought you'd like to see the comparison from then to now.

~ ~ ~

Nicole, one of my closest friends, used to be very violent back in 6th grade.

Here is a bit of her story:

Josh was her worst enemy. So when she got mad at him, she hit him. This particular time, she hit him on the face.

She then proceeded to tell him he was not "man enough" to hit her back.

But he thought differently.

She was slapped across the face. She was surprised, but did confirm Josh was a man.

CC and I just thought it was hilarious.

- Amelia

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Someone shot a hole in my wall!

One day, I was in my house, in my room, sleeping. Then I heard a

I awoke with a start and looked at the wall.

Near the floor, someone had shot a large chunk out of my wall!

Panic caused adrenaline to course through my body. Was my sister OK? Her room was right next to mine.

Then I wondered, how could they have shot a hole in my wall without being in her room first?

(Click to enlarge)

Then I woke up.

Ha! I was just dreaming.

- Amelia

PS: I also had this weird dream where I was shot in the back simultaneously 3 times. I think I'm going to stop watching violent movies.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kihi Prob

Time she ran away (almost) and I had to run out in my PJ's across the street around the neighborhood to get her.

Time she had to get surgery for teeth (getting some pulled)

Time I had to waste an hour every morning and night hand feeding her cuz she was scarred of the new hard floors we were getting.

Time she got attacked at the dog park.

Time she had intestinal prob and was bleeding (dosn't have to be from her butt.) And I had to give her medicine morn and night for a week. She threw it up on me at least three times.

Time she jumped into the pool like a maniac, trying to save our old dog's toy from certain drowning. When I finally got her out she looked like a mop.

Time fire alarm went off in the house, had to get out ASAP, couldn't find her. Pitch black outside. Crying cuz we thought she was burning up in a little corner somewhere. No really sleeping in dog bed


Time you killed my thumb, it dosn't have ti be you in  the story. And things that have happened to it since then.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Smell

 First off: Please take the new poll(s). Look to the right. --->

Also: Please follow this blog and make me super famous so I can have a cute boyfriend. And maybe even husband later. 


~ ~ ~

We recently had a school dance. Normally, these are very fun. However, the people who organize the dances felt we needed a new DJ. 

Bad decision.

The dances now suck. The new DJ doesn't play good music, and won't shut up!


Mental DJ: No. I'm going to continue to annoy you until you leave. Or go outside and eat ice like at the last dance.

Enough of that randomness:

~ ~ ~

We went anyway.

 The evening started out uneventful, filled with dancing and music.

We walked around, having a boring time, until we smelled it.

A stench worse than sweat streamed into our nostrils, driving everyone outside. The DJ shut off the music (YESSS!). Soon everyone was off the dance floor, running away from the suffocating smell.

Except us, of course, because Jennifer, CC, and I are crazy.

Anyway, we quickly realized the smell was not some dude passing gas, no, this was the work of a stink bomb. It suddenly became hilarious!

Some kid had the nerve to set off a stink bomb at our dance! We were so proud of him! 

Well, at least we thought it was a him... never mind.

People started coming back in the building, and the music started again (NOOO!).

As you might have expected, my friends and I thought that was the perfect time to leave.

Just in time, too. We saw Conner (who's a delinquent) being escorted off campus by our VP. Did he set off the stink bomb? We clapped for him. He had nerve, if it was him.

As it turns out, it wasn't Connor that set off the bomb. Some evil genius had put the stink bomb on the floor, hoping someone would step on it. That's so smart! He'd never get caught!

Unluckily for a random kid (let's call him/her Sam.) Poor, poor Sam. Sam picked up the stink bomb, curious about the strange thing lying on the floor.

Then it exploded on him/her.

Can you imagine some disgusting scent drenching you suddenly? Perhaps while your date is watching? Can you feel the humiliation and disgust that would wash over you?

Think about it...

The whole experience left us with one question ringing in our head:

Are we going to be searched at in the dances like in the airport?

We all know how annoying that is...
- Amelia

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Bus

the delta thing:
post on delta music festeval, car, pranks, tayz calls us idiots, and popularity w the pic thing lolzzz

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I know life's not fair, but I don't think I'll be able to get used to it.

I hate it when people aren't fair. I try to do the right thing, but some people take it the wrong way.

They think I am doing forbidden things for my own evil purposes. Let me just tell you, I'm not.

I am not a little devil.

~ ~ ~

We were in an auditorium, and I had my cell phone out.

We were not supposed to have any electronics out because there was a performance occurring.

I was turning it on silent. Who would want my ringtone going off during a beautiful piece? Not me. It was a very reasonable thing to do.

Tell that to the chaperons. 

pic of a super fat lady saying, "TURN OFF THAT PHONE!" really loud w/ red eyes

I didn't argue, because I knew what I was doing and why. But that hag thought I was texting! What am I, incredibly disrespectful? I'm a little more mature than that, if I do say so myself.

I just silently put my phone away, annoyed and embarrassed. I'm taking out the injustice done to me here, on The Triangle.

~ ~ ~

Theater is something I take interest in, so I auditioned for "The Sound of Music" with my little sister. We sat in the theater about 3 rows back from the stage, and in between performances I was going over the rules with her.

ok for this one i want a picture of the audience in the background, a little darker than the forground. the seats r red and have shading. my sister and i r a little brighter than every 1 eles so u can c us. singer in the foreground, and the curtains have shading. the singer should b a girl.

This old man kept glaring at me each time I went over a new rule.

pic of old man turning around and glaring. like the one w/ the cell phone, except in the background theres this really noticable old guy GLARING really big. singer is singing

I tried to ignore him, but that didn't happen...

pic of us sitting quietly w/ the old man turned around. singer is raising arm dramatically

pic of old man still turned around saying PSSSSSST!!! singer is holding hands against heart.

Pic of sis and i looking at him. me levely, elena cowering. singer is holding the mic w/ too hands bending over

pic of him saying STOP TALKING! pic of singer holding finger to her mouth, as in shh but looking away from us. 

(i think the movement of the singer will help make time pass)

That stupid old man. I was just trying to help my sister. Instead, he humiliated me. Poor little sister was clueless when she got on the stage.

pic of sis walking and singer leaving

pic of sister tripping. in the background is me, hitting my hand on my forehead, glaring at old man. we r the only noticable ones in the audience. u no how they do that in cartoons? like that. make everyone else gray and dull.

~ ~ ~

The last unfairness happened in math.

pic of teacher looking at clock dramatically saying OH NO!!!!! WE HAVE TO TAKE MORE NOTES!!!! THERE'S ONLY 5 MINUTES LEFT!!! 

pic of teacher glaring at class, saying DON'T MOVE!!!

pic of me (front row) paper on desk.

I wanted to put my notes away, in my binder. Keep in mind I could have done this any other time in class.

pic of me holding binder

pic of teacher yelling, AMELIA! STOP MOVING!

pic of me looking down.

pic of me looking down (same one) and saying to myself, "I was just putting my notes away. :("

Not fair.

Anyway, life is very unfair. People blame me for no reason.

People say, "Life's not fair. Get used to it."

I don't think I can or will. But you know, I'll try.

- Amelia

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

RIP sims

I wasn't a good sim owner
i killed and tourterd my sims when i was little and i cried and was traumatized when 1 died

The Sims was one of my favorite games in my childhood.  I played for hours, only getting up for food and water.

But I was not a good person.

I loved to torture my sims. I left them on all night in a single room with no toilet, food, or water.

In the morning I came in to moaning and crying, and there was a grave in the house.

it tormented me

Monday, March 7, 2011

Face masks

the facething and we where taking it off and i was like look a trashcan cuz we were putting it in the toilet

I love my crippled dog!

 I have a dog. Her name is Nellie.

She is super cute and adorable and old and lazy.

But I love her because she is my dog.

~ ~ ~

Nellie took a trip to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned. She needed this badly, because her breath STANK! Imagine rotting fish, and there you go...

When we picked her up from the vet, we learned that they had to put her under in order to clean her teeth, and that she was very tired. Nellie did look very sleepy, but also very scared. No surprise there! Vets are scary, like doctors...

The plus was, no more stench!

It was time for my tennis class in the cold. I love tennis, but not tennis while I'm freezing. Of course, we never stand around in tennis, and running keeps me warm.

I had an average class. So-so. Nothing to talk about. My dad came and picked me up.

It was then I learned the news.

Nellie had slipped on our hardwood floor and dislocated her hip. It was assumed that she was going through her normal vacuum cleaner routine (eating crumbs off the floor when she slipped.) My mom came into the room, compelled by her cries. She saw poor Nellie dog pushing herself along the floor by her front legs, squealing.

She was rushed to the vet and tested, and they decided about her hip. They put her under again and popped it back in. (Actually, being tired from her teeth cleaning probably caused her to slip)

They then put a bandage on her. Nellie had to stay in a crate to heal her hip.


We had to hold her bandaged leg when she had to go to the bathroom. I avoided this job. I didn't want to be peed on!

We also had to be careful. If her hip popped out again, we'd have to put her down.

~ ~ ~

Nellie is much better now. She still has to stay confined, but her new crate is actually a stroller for dogs: 

She also has little doggie booties so she won't slip on the floor:

Aren't they cute? Nellie was confused when we put them on her, though. She stood there like:

We think Nellie will heal. After all, her crippled back, left hind knee, and right hind knee healed...

Wish Nellie luck! Crossing my fingers for my puppy!

- Amelia

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Im not ready yet man

In Mexico, you don't need to wear seat belts.

Our taxi driver didn't wear his seat belt.

But my (at the time) 5 year-old-sister, Janet did.

pic of the taxi from the inside. there is the cab driver parents, and janet and amelia.

when the cab started moving, Janet hadn't put on her belt yet. She started panicing. Oh no! She was going to die!

pic of Janet starting crying

She had to stop the madness.

pic of her saying, I'm not ready yet!

pic of the taxi driver doing nothing

pic of Janet saying, I'M NOT READY YET!

The driver made no move. Maybe he didn't speak English very well.

Pic of janet yelling, "I'M NOT READY YET, MAN!" (emphasize the man by making it 4pts bigger)

pic of the family in the van cracking up. Janet looks unimpressed and frowns.

Children at five years of age don't realize the correct term is "Sir," or "Mister." Nope. For them, it is perfectly acceptable to call a man "Man."

Janet, although much older now, still enjoys telling this story.

Pic of her talking around a dinner table saying, "And then I screamed, 'I'm not ready yet, Man!" She is enjoying herself and people are smiling

My family still laughs at this tale, too. It was pretty embarassing, but also hilarious.

- Amelia


So, before CC quit band, she had an awful experience with the teacher. This is a true story, no hyperboles:

pic of the class sitting on the ground watching a movie.

close up of cc untying her shoes

pic of CC with her shoes off.

We watched the movie happily, and CC had taken off her shoes to further enhance her comfort.

Suddenly, the boy in front of us, Caleb, turned around. He siezed CC's shoes and...

pic of him tossing the shoe

...promptly threw it across the room.

This had grabbed the attention of the band teacher.

Teacher: Why are your shoes off?

CC: Because... um... because I felt like it.

The whole class cracked up laughing. Poor CC. The teacher's interrogatory question put her under stress.

Teacher: Then why did they fly across the room?

pic of CC pointing at Caleb. CC has a neavous smile and red cheeks, but not tomato red.

CC: Caleb threw them!

The teacher immediately dismissed Caleb to the next room. CC avoided getting any sort of punishment.

But her face was as red as a tomato.

pic of CC's tomatoe face

Her face was almost the equivalent of this:

pic of cc's body with a tomato as a head. the tomatoe has human eyes and mouth, but the rest is a tomatoe

And when we got outside, I had my own embarrassing experience:

pic of a line of cases lined up outside the door. 

pic of red cc and amelia laughing and talking as they walk out.

pic of amelia bumping into the cases.

pic of one case hitting the other

pic of one case hitting the other

 pic of one case hitting the other

pic of all the cases laying like knocked-down dominoes.

pic of amelia saying, RUN!

What are some of your most humiliating moments? Are they even comparable to CC's? Leave a comment!

- Amelia

Flutes are dumb

I have a terrible habit of losing my flute. I love playing the instrument, but unfortunately, I'm very unorganized.

One day, walking over to my younger sister's school, I stopped to tie my shoe. This involved me putting down my flute. When I stood up again, I didn't have it.

I didn't notice its absence 'til I arrived home. Panicked, I ran all the way to school, only to find it stolen.

I paid for the replacement with my own money.

The new flute I managed to keep. Until this week. For the last few days, I've accidentally leaving it in our normal rendezvous. Each day, I've unwittingly relied on Nicole to pick up my flute for me.

I'm a failure.

Or maybe just lazy.

- Amelia

UPDATE 3-28: I lost it again. It was gone. But then... I looked.

Guess where it was?

Not at the lost and found, not the band room, not where I left it...

Nope. It was in...
the office.

How embarrassing. :)