Friday, April 1, 2011

Ruff Ruff! Grrrr.....

I put the post back up.

There is a dog. His name is Pickles. He is a demon dog.

Beware of the Pick Les.


One day, a Tuesday, to be exact, CC and I decided to take Pickles for a walk. He didn't want to leave the house

Then he didn't want to walk.

He just laid on the sidewalk, and we had to run to get him to move at all.

When we finally got him to walk normally and slowly, another disaster decided to strike.

Pickles saw this new dog that was running free off leash, and decided she would make a great playmate.

This dog was a she. Pickles is a boy. When they seemed to be getting a little too friendly, we decided to walk away.

Pickles had other ideas. He wanted to play with the she-dog! He leaped away.

Unfortunately for me, he ran around my legs. Don't forget he had a leash around his neck.

I was doomed. I could see it in slow motion.


I lay on the ground in shock, my phone gripped in one hand and the leash handle in the other.

When CC saw I wasn't injured, she bent over laughing.

I started laughing, too. It was pretty funny! Pickles came over and put his head in my lap, as if to say he was sorry. He was adorable!

But he was evil!

As we walked home, CC retold her tale of the story.

The moral of this story is:

Look for the evil in all dogs.

You never know when this:

Is really this:


You have been warned.

- Amelia


  1. But pickles is always so adorable when I come over!

  2. omg that dog is cute.....have to post another blog post!!!!:);):):)

  3. Scary I will never look at my dog the same lol

  4. My dog always steals my I love your blogs!! (and chimichangas) I'm a big fan!!!

  5. The dog is evil, I tell you - pure evil...

  6. my chinese fighting fish is evil....does that count?

  7. @Pudge: Yes. He is & it's so true.
    @Trent: No, that's a fish, and I doubt he's going to cause you much pain.


    - Amelia

  8. thats mean he wanted 2 play with his lady dog and u didnt let him! u amelia, r the evil one.

    JKJKJK of course im JK!

    #1 fan, rainbowuni

  9. What, did you want me to sell you puppies or something?

    - Amelia

  10. I'd like puppies :p

  11. Pickles is neutered, by the way...


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