Saturday, January 29, 2011

Evolution of the sign holder

Don't do drugs or get addicted to anything. I know first had what happens.

We knew a man that used to be the crossing guard for my elementary school. He was very intense, and took his job very seriously. He must have been in the army!

IMI crossing man = army man.

Suddenly, he disappeared. We never saw him again. That was, until we saw him on a corner holding up a pizza sign.

Pizza IMI

Years passed with no sighting of the strange, solemn man.

Recently, while my mom was at Safeway, while driving out of the parking lot she saw the man. He looked extremely destitute. He hadn't shaved, and looked as if he had slept out doors for months. In his hand, he held a sign. A sign that asked for money.

IMI sad homeless man

My mom and I agree the cause of his downfall was probably related to an addiction of some kind. So for all you kids out there, DON'T DRINK. OR DO DRUGS. OR SMOKE. And now you know why.

- Amelia

How to wake up a very tired little girl

Blinds, lights, rap, jumping on her, singing, singing bad, pet rats, pull off covers, tickle. very funny
How to wake up Lady gaga - poke her face

Friday, January 28, 2011

Kona. Not the place, not the coffee...

Kona's lives.
Squeeze death
Tail death
Almost death
happy things bfor that. like papa's story

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Me      =Sarah

The whole thing about alyssa being my advisor in realtion ships. she kolin=geniuses. she told me ja was gonna get mad. kolin said ja was immature. also kolin programs.

The Choo Choo Train


She's a close friend of mine, but older than me by a grade.

However, she's very funny to tease.

In fact, I "blackmailed" her into letting me write this post about her and her nickname. She HATES the nickname and didn't want it on a blog, but I kept annoying her with it over and over until she finally gave in. Of course, I told her I'd never say it again. Wish me luck with that.

When Jamison was in 4th grade, one of her teachers gave her the name "Jane." However many times she tried to correct his mistake, it was useless, and the name Jane stuck like gum to a shoe. Now that's what everyone calls her.

In 6th grade, one of her friends was playing around and created a new nickname. Well, actually a short chant:

"Jane, Jane, choo choo train!" was the new name, sung to the tune of "rain, rain, go away."

When I became friends with Jane, I had no knowledge of this chant. But when it was introduced to me by the very friend who made it up, it stuck. Again.

Poor Jane now had to put up with the torment of the name everyday. We repeatedly called her that for minutes on end, or, perhaps in random spontaneous bursts.

We would stand bored in P.E., until one of us remembered the dreaded song.

An evil grin would spread across my face in anticipation of the trouble I was about to cause. Then I would sing:

At this point Jane would panic, annoyance clear on her face. She would start laughing and hyperventilating and would hold up a fist in warning. 

Time for the mind game.

When Jane saw the rest of the song wasn't coming, her relief was evident.

This was the time. 

Now Jane would erupt into a sarcastic fury which was still scary, though fake. Of course, she might disagree about the fake part...

Her face would slowly mutate itself into something that was put in a blender.


She would then chase us and smack us with her fists, causing me to run and hide while laughing like a hyena. 

Jane is a good friend of mine and a great person. She just becomes "temperamental" sometimes.

- Amelia

PS - "temperamental" is in quotes because she just pretends. I have to admit, we all do sometimes


A zap is an unpleasant experience.

nicole asks out jeremy annios

Watch out for those watches!

Geneva watches. break. math counts. gmas house bfor that. watch 2: canging, get caught. had added charmes that made it break


Walk. shot out light. kidnappers. chasing. run!!!! people r shadows.

Going out with suicidal people is not a smart thing.

James: The very name made my heart race. I loved that guy so much.

pic of james. long, shaggy hair.

I would stay awake at night thinking about him, and I even started a diary.

I was so melodramatic.

Well, James like me, too, but he never told me. It was tourture.

pic of amelia looking expectantly at James during a convo

pic of james walking away; im sad lookin

I wanted his number, but I couldn't ask him for it, I was thrilled when he even talked to me. I did get his number. But he tricked me into it.

pic of me getting a text message that said: "From: (123)-456-7890 Message: Hey dis is ken. I got ur # frum cc."

pic of me texting back: "STOP TEXTING ME!"

I called CC, and she said that James had asked her for my number; and (123)-456-7890 was his number.

pic of me on the phone saying, "Oh." indifferently

pic of me hanging up flip phone happily, saying "Yesss!"

Many text conversations followed, each longer than the next.

pic of us texting eachother, with weird diagonal line inbetween us like they do in TV show

James was great. He was hilarious, and I could speak to him freely. He even asked me out!

That was before it happened.

pic of a text: says: "From: James Message: im going to kill myself."

I thought he was kidding.

pic of me holding message: "From: James Message: No im ssrly nt kidding."

What was I to do? I was only 7th grader, and didn't know how to react. My brain resolved to tell my mother.

pic of mom gasping, hand over mouth *gasp*

She told me I had to tell the school councilor. I didn't want to, so she called while I was at school.

pic of me walking sadly out the door, while she's on the phone saying "Bye Honey!". its raining

In homeroom, shaggy-headed James was called from the classroom.

pic of phone ringing,

pic of teacher holding it, saying, "James to the office!"

I guiltily looked at James as he walked out, my skin the color of cherries.

pic of me blushing really bad.

I saw James again in band. He knew it was me that had ratted him out about his suicide.

It was terrible.

pic of me looking sad.

pic of him looking away, not talking to me

That was the end of that relationship.

But hey, it turns out James was really corny, dirty, and annoying.

I'm glad we broke up.

- Amelia

PS: He didn't comb his hair or take a shower. Ever.

pic of him being filthy

Monday, January 24, 2011


 Hiiiiii Everyoneeee! It's CC! I'm writing a post for The Triangle, yay! It's such a great honor, blah blah blah, anyway, here goes:


Johnny. In forth grade, he was one of my first crushes. <3 I loved him so much that I sent him an anonymous candy gram, reading,

I only told my three BFFS, Rachel, Amelia, and Nicole, trusting them to keep my secret.

But someone told someone else, and soon the whole school knew (Psh, dumb luck.). I started getting teased. (Ooooooooooooooh! CeeeeeeeeCeeeeeee!) and (CC and Johnny, sitting in a tree!), ect. :P

I confronted my BFF's, but none would fess up to being a blabber mouth. But it's OK, guys, I forgive 'ya.

Walking home from school years later I passed a steamy, red-faced Johnny (He had PE in the hottest part of the day - right before school gets out). I said (stupidly),

You look hot. 

Of all the intelligent things to say to a guy surrounded by his buddies. All the boys (and Amelia!, grrr) laughed their heads off. Of course, I meant he looked over-heated... but... God that was stupid of me. I was the one that walked away looking hot (overheated-wise, naturally...).


- Cecelia "CC" Smith :D


Scary racoons when hiding from many little kids. Playset. coldplay/ w speakers. dark. circle of pee. fence, tree, bush. little kids come out and scream w/ flash lites. get scared. freeze. "ill turn down the music." "NO! That's r only protection." drop alyssas phone. call 4 help. no 1 comes. run inside @ last min. (add alyssa's raccoon statistics. Ask her bout them) think of how to defend my self if they climb the structure.

Scary Walks Aren't fun.

Walk @ Alyssa's house. People stalking us behind trees. Dark. Scared of bunny. Had speakers. Found lost dog. cut off from other house. kept looking over shoulders. lots of shivering. running franticly. scaring each other with scary ideas.

The Party of Doom

My exciting ill fated birthday
Cops called on us.
Fall in mud... drag self home.
Scary people stalking us.
cold. not fun.
dark and unsafe.

The Horses are on the Track

On this post I would describe the horse track.
Horse tongues.
Bad food.
weird old hobos.
not my idea.
no one enjoyed it.
tacos make you sick.
never eat crappy food again.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Super Mario Brothers: the most impossible game ever.

I play Super Mario Brothers a lot. It's my favorite pastime.

However, I am a complete failure at the thing.

My friend Cecilia (or CC for short) is a master at Mario. She knows all the cheats and glitches and secrets the game has.

Our game session is mostly me dying and achieving my "ultimate goal" of zero lives, or me sitting very dormant in a bubble the whole time. Meanwhile, CC sprints to the end in a flash, never losing a power-up and certainly never losing a life.

That's me, blue toad, falling to my doom.

Fortunately, there's always bubbling, which I do constantly. Being in a bubble is a life saver.

I often wonder what happened to me that made me such a turkey at this game.

Of course, CC never hesitates to comfort me.

Sigh... The game's results are always the same; no lives in my case, and so many in CC's. Time to resort to the glitches.

Our favorite is the glitch in the world 4 final castle, which we use to get the maximum number of lives (99). 

This we do a lot. You see, I lose all 99 lives almost as soon as I get them. We go back to world 4 quite often.

When Mario achieves 99 lives, he loses his hat. CC never fails to lose her hat.

I'm just the opposite.

It must be very clear why this game is so impossible for me. Hopefully my game play will improve. At least being prone to failing gives something funny to post about!

- Amelia

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The effects of Titanium necklaces on 3 different people.

For this post, we are excited to introduce our next guest star and favorite teacher, Mrs. Thompson!

Titanium necklaces are beneficial accessories that are are meant to calm you and relieve muscle and joint pain.

Here our friend Amanda models the necklace for us.


One of the students in our class happened to have a soothing titanium necklace, and on a day when my teacher, Mrs. Thompson, had a splitting headache. Fortunately, the student graciously offered the assistance of the necklace to salve her discomfort.

Because some of us were skeptical of the necklace's abilities, Mrs. Thompson tracked her mood in 3 five minute increments.

After 5 minutes, the class noticed no change. The skeptics were beginning to feel smug. But that was before the next 5 minutes were over.

Finally after 15 minutes, Mrs. Thompson was ecstatic. She began guffawing, and then began singing a song she made up on the spot.

It was decided the necklace worked for her. The question was, would it work on Jennifer?

Jennifer's grandparents had recently died of old age, and she was feeling depressed. Mrs. Thompson wanted to make Jennifer feel better, so she offered the necklace to her. Again her mood was tracked in 5 minute periods.

However, no changes occurred in her mood. She turned to me and said, "This necklace doesn't work. You guys are my necklace." Which resulted in everyone "awwww!"-ing and patting her on her head.

Finally, I decided to try the necklace. The result was opposite of Mrs. Thompson's:

After 5 minutes, there was no change. I was still in my regular old mood. When 10 minutes came around, I was very hyper and happy. I was beginning to think the necklace actually worked! But then after another five minutes, I was exhausted. I could barely even stand up!

 Here is a graph displaying the results.

I returned the "magic" necklace to Mrs. Thompson, who agreed with me there is a limit to the amount of time you can wear the necklace before "side effects" started kicking in.

However, she doesn't agree with me that it is a placebo. But that's OK. Everyone has a different opinion.

More information on the Titanium necklaces here.

- Amelia

Friday, January 21, 2011

Beware the deadly pencil sharpener

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

The first experience with pencils I had was in kindergarten. A friend of mine stabbed me. With a pencil. On my hand. Some lead was wedged under my skin. Teary eyes and a trip to the nurse followed.

When I was in 6th grade, I had an emotionally scarring experience with a pencil sharpener. I was abnormally picky with the pointedness of my pencils. They had to be sharp enough to kill a man. Through his eye! This caused me to sharpen my pencils many times during the day.

Unfortunately, I had an uncanny ability to break the pencil's lead in the sharpener, resulting in me digging around the blade with my friend's pens.

And then, of course, the inevitable happened. One day, as I was fiddling with the sharpener, the lead of the pencil, which was jammed in the sharpener, snapped out. Right into my eye. IT. HURT.

I repeatedly began rubbing at my eye in vain, asking "Is my eye red?!" However, the problem increased:

As the reader might have guessed, I excused myself to the nurse's office, where I was greeted by a kind lady who instructed me to rinse out my eye and wait for her to come back. Except for she never returned.

So I left.

I stumbled through the next classes in agony, my heart pounding with adrenaline and my eye throbbing in pain. Was my eye going to fall out?!

When I finally stumbled home, I immediately had my father schedule an emergency eye appointment.

Unfortunately, the doctor was extremely inefficient.

Me- I think there is something in my eye.

Doctor (After a quick diagnosis) - There's nothing in your eye. Some kids feel things in their eyes, even if it's not there. It's just a phantom feeling.

Me- I really think there's something in my-


His prescription was to go home and to go to bed normally. But even sleep was not a consolation. It hurt to shut my eyes.

In the morning when I woke up, I performed surgery on my own eye. Not really, but when I was putting in my contacts, I saw a big black lump in my eye. Scared out of my mind, I ran screaming to my father, who, unlike the doctor, assisted me in removing the pencil lead from my eye.

I have had a fear of pencils ever since, and from that moment on always used pens. I still do.

On an additional note, another pencil lead experience happened today as well. My friend broke her pencil lead. I laughed, which made her playfully throw it at me. It landed in my mouth. I quickly doubled over in a motion that looked like I was being sick and spat into my hand the lead which had landed so unfortunately in my mouth.

- Amelia

What kind of battery is this?

 Pretty hot, eh...?


Thank you to our guest artist,  Jennifer Salazar for this superb literal interpretation!

- Amelia

Guest writers

Thank you to our guest writers, Gamcaka and Kloyjfala. Your post has been deleted to preserve our viewers.

- Amelia

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Patriotic Grandfather Speaks

"I've been around the world 4 times. I've seen countries with kings and dictators, and America is the freest country I've ever seen. It's our diversity that makes us free. They don't get any better than this one." - Joe Sr.

If only the education system were as excellent as the freedom of the country is. Being a student I should know.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New background coming soon!

It's rather hard to start writing about what I'm supposed (which is life) to while I'm still trying to figure all this blog stuff out. I need some help. All so confusing.

As the title suggests, I am still in the process of making backgrounds. The black triangle background seen currently is fortunately temporary.

To hold you over, how about another picture? I need something to post.

Pretty good, huh? I'm not much of an artist, but hey...

Actually, blogging isn't as bad as I make it seem. It's pretty straight-forward. Click here to post, here to add a drawing, here to design. Not bad. And, by updating Firefox, I am able to use the blog designer! Yay!

- Amelia

Edit- Mission accomplished! New background AND header!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Feared History Day.

In school, we are required to do a horrendously big and complicated project known as history day. Dreaded by all honors students, history day is a national project that takes the whole school year to complete. After finished, if the teacher thinks your report worthy, you can compete. Staring slow with the school competition, then county, state, & national.

The worst part is we (mostly I) have no preparation. This is the first interpretation report I have ever attempted.  However, if I just put things into categories, it just might be a little easier... who knows.

You can learn more about history day here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

So I've decided to start a blog.

Easy, right?


Not really.

Thanks to all those jerks out there who like to take URLs and let them decay in hopes of someone buying the name off them, I had to search around for hours to find the right name for me. REAL thanks to those who actually do blog. I admire you.

Well, actually, the rest of it was pretty easy. Enter the blog name, and finished. But I can't figure out how to change the background... But this is my first post, so Amelia, cut yourself some slack, OK?

Anyway, a short synopsis:

I plan to use photos, words, and computer drawings to convey this dramatic life of mine. For now, though...

I drew a picture of a triceratops on my phone!