Sunday, November 6, 2011


It was a beautiful fall day.

I was meeting up with CC to hang out at the local park near where my sister was playing her soccer tournament.

CC hadn't yet arrived, so I was walking leisurely around the perimeter of the game to amuse myself.

As it turns out, the dog didn't have rabies.

That was pretty embarassing.

- Amelia


  1. WOW! lol that must have been embarrassing, but that is ok i feel for you. I mean at least you weren't walking someone's dog when suddenly you see a snake you scream let go of the leash the dog runs off and you have to go run after it finally catch up and find that the dog is limping then pick it up sprint back to the house and have to explain everything to the owner and now feel horrible because your parent's friend's dog just got bit by an nonpoisonous snake. "( but good thing was he had no serious injuries and is still doing daily walks by the park.")


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