Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Evolution of a Certain Blog Author's Music Tastes

 Boy, is that a mouthful of a title. Anyway, here is a list of my ever changing music tastes.

In the end of the fifth grade/ the beginning of sixth, I loved the Beatles.

pic of amelia w/ head phones in looking at a record case reading The Beatles, singing Let it be! And my clothes are hippy ish, like blue tye dye, and my hair is cropped super short to the chin
Then, of course, I matured a bit, and moved on to Simon and Garfunkel by the end of the 6th grade. I did love those harmonies! Ah, refreshing, compared to the old style rock and roll band. I stayed with them until 7th grade.

pic of me with longer, flippy out hair (not by much), now wearing flare jeans and a super  light blue tee, listening to my boombox playing "Hello darkness my old friend..." w/ musical notes

But then I met Keith! And Keith loved Coldplay. And I liked Keith. So I changed to Coldplay by the winter of grade 7.

Pic of me looking at coldplay pics on line (u can use real coldplay pics and put them on a drawn comp.) and I am singing, "I hear Jerusalem bells ringing..." w/ music notes. My hair is the same (but not as flippy), but I have a bit of lipgloss on, w/ kakhi pants.
The end of 7th grade, and I had a new friend, Abril, who went to the dances with me. I told her I wanted to know more of the dance music that they played, since I felt left out when everyone knew the words but me. So, she gave me hip hop music. I was introduced to Ke$ha and 3OH!3, and loved them.

Pic of me dancing at a dance. The speakers and me are singing, "Tik Tok, on the clock!" and I'm in a little navy (but still pretty blue) dance dress with longer hair, and It doesn't flip so crazy.

But Abril moved, so that was the end of her musical influence. It was CC who put me where I am now.

Eminem. She showed me Eminem. In the middle of grade 8, she gave me some of his records and told me to give him a try. And now I am obsessed with the music and have all his albums. Even though it's rap, it's the only music I listen to. And the only rapper I listen to.

Pic of me with one of those head set and mics on, on stage, doing rap moves like Emmy does. I'm saying, "'Coz I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady..." I'm wearing my normal blue dress and normal hair, now.

I guess that just shows you how as you enter your teens, you lose that child-like innocence.

What were your previous and current music tastes? Have anythoughts about the lose of innocence? Leave me a comment!

- Amelia.

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