Monday, July 25, 2011

Bullies: A big deal

In school, we had a assembly to discuss the gravity of bullying.

Meet our host, Assembly Man.

I disagreed with everything Assembly Man said. The only way he could get us to listen was by doing magic tricks.

 Assembly Man: Tattle if you see bullies! They will be forced to stop by being suspended!

My reasoning: The bullies will be mad at you. They will target you.

Assembly Man: Stand up to bullies! They will leave you alone!

My reasoning: Good luck being that brave.

Assembly Man: The bullies need witnesses and a victim to get pleasure out of making others feel small!
(Here was his amazing analogy:)
Don't be the oxygen for the bully! Don't wait around! Stand up for the victim!

My reasoning: They are telling you: you are a plant if you don't tell. Plants just sit there, and omit O2.

Joe (My dad): If you are being bullied, beat 'dem bullies up. They won't touch you again!

My reasoning: Yup. That'll work.

Just remember those (the one tip by my father...) tips and defeat bullies!

- Amelia


  1. omt those assemblies are sooooo boring!! the anti smoking ones are the worst. they almost make you want to start smoking just to spite the corny assembly people :(-~ (emoticon for smoking)

  2. Remember that video about the girl who liked that guy but he was like "You wanna cigarette?" and she was like "Oh no! I don't know what to do because I like him, but I don't wanna start smoking!"

  3. I read this again after about a month, and I just have to say one thing: Bullies don't care if they have an audience! If there is a reaction within the bullied person, the bully gets satisfaction. That's the crucial thing teachers miss.


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