Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Feared History Day.

In school, we are required to do a horrendously big and complicated project known as history day. Dreaded by all honors students, history day is a national project that takes the whole school year to complete. After finished, if the teacher thinks your report worthy, you can compete. Staring slow with the school competition, then county, state, & national.

The worst part is we (mostly I) have no preparation. This is the first interpretation report I have ever attempted.  However, if I just put things into categories, it just might be a little easier... who knows.

You can learn more about history day here.


  1. History sounds like soo much fun!!


  2. Oppsies meant history day

  3. Lol. Glad to know I have a comment! And on my third day! Yay!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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