Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New background coming soon!

It's rather hard to start writing about what I'm supposed (which is life) to while I'm still trying to figure all this blog stuff out. I need some help. All so confusing.

As the title suggests, I am still in the process of making backgrounds. The black triangle background seen currently is fortunately temporary.

To hold you over, how about another picture? I need something to post.

Pretty good, huh? I'm not much of an artist, but hey...

Actually, blogging isn't as bad as I make it seem. It's pretty straight-forward. Click here to post, here to add a drawing, here to design. Not bad. And, by updating Firefox, I am able to use the blog designer! Yay!

- Amelia

Edit- Mission accomplished! New background AND header!


  1. nice new background and header

  2. Thank you. We spent a long time working on it.
    - Amelia

  3. I think the eyes could use some work, and you might want to fix the leg

  4. Yah... my legs usually have problems...

    - A ME! lia


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